Welcome to PoetryOlympics.com, the digital home of the Poetry Olympics, an inspiring and vibrant celebration of words, rhythm, and creativity. Founded in 2005 by the esteemed poet and visionary Michael Horovitz, our platform is dedicated to promoting the power and beauty of poetry across the globe.

Our Journey

Michael Horovitz, a luminary in the world of poetry, launched PoetryOlympics.com as a natural progression of his life-long commitment to the poetic arts. Horovitz, renowned for his innovative approaches to poetry and performance, envisioned a space where poets and poetry enthusiasts could gather, irrespective of their geographic or cultural boundaries.

The Poetry Olympics, initially a series of live events, quickly evolved into an expansive online community. Here, poets, both emerging and established, share their work, connect with each other, and celebrate the diverse voices that make up the world of contemporary poetry.

Our Mission

At PoetryOlympics.com, our mission is simple yet profound:

  • Celebrate Diversity: We believe in the power of poetry to transcend borders and bring people together. Our platform showcases a wide array of poetic styles and voices from every corner of the globe.
  • Nurture Talent: We are committed to discovering and nurturing new talent. Through workshops, competitions, and mentorship programs, we provide poets with the tools and support they need to refine their craft and find their unique voice.
  • Encourage Innovation: PoetryOlympics.com is a place for experimentation and innovation. We encourage poets to push boundaries, explore new forms, and merge poetry with other artistic mediums.
  • Build Community: Above all, we aim to build a supportive and engaged community of poets and poetry lovers. Through forums, live events, and collaborative projects, we foster connections that extend far beyond the screen.

Our Events

Throughout the year, PoetryOlympics.com hosts a variety of events, including:

  • Online Poetry Festivals: Bringing together poets from around the world for readings, discussions, and workshops.
  • Competitions: Encouraging creativity and excellence through themed poetry contests with prestigious awards.
  • Collaborative Projects: Partnering with other arts organizations to explore the intersection of poetry with music, visual arts, and theater.
  • Educational Programs: Offering courses and resources for those looking to deepen their understanding of poetry.

Join Us

Whether you’re a seasoned poet, a lover of words, or just curious about the world of poetry, we invite you to explore PoetryOlympics.com. Read, write, share, and be part of a community that celebrates the enduring power of poetry.

Together, let’s continue the legacy of Michael Horovitz and carry the torch of poetry into the future.